Empowering Through Employment
Help your business and help our young people at the same time!
Since 1994 the Rockland County Youth Bureau has administered the Youth Employment Program. This initiative provides employment training and job placement for eligible young people between the ages of 14 and 20 and reimburses 100% of their salaries.
The program provides the opportunity for the development of skilled, trained and prepared young people who can then join our local workforce. We are still looking for employers from the private sector, local government, and non-profit agencies to participate in the 2021 Program.
Reasons why employers participate:
- A labor cost savings of 100% on all youth hired through the program.
- Develop a better trained workforce
- The opportunity to increase work staff during peak seasons at a fraction of the ordinary cost.
- Empower youth Rockland by giving them the opportunity to contribute and make a difference.
The employees that businesses will be gettering are all highly motivated young people from our community. Prior to placement, all applicants must participate in and complete the T.E.E.N. Works program (Teen Employment Education Network).
T.E.E.N. Works is the training component of the Youth Employment Program and is designed to provide eligible youth with a professional workforce training experience. The program offers a curriculum-based pre-employment training to applicants to strengthen their ability to become productive, contributing members of the workforce that are responsible and self-sufficient.
The major goals of the Program are to build partnerships with local private businesses, not-for-profits and municipal agencies to promote youth workforce development within the County and to prepare young people for the world of work through job training and work-based learning skills.
This program is a win-win, providing employers with motivated and well-trained employees and giving our young people the hands-on experience that they need to succeed in their future careers. If you own, operate or manage a business or non-profit I encourage you to take part in this fantastic program.
For more information, please call 845-364-2933 or email [email protected].
Please help our youth gain the experience they need for a successful future and keep Rockland County on the right track!