State Of The County

State Of The County

It was with great pride that I recently presented my “State of the County” address to the people of Rockland.

Beyond the miraculous path we have taken to not only come back from the brink of bankruptcy but also move full speed ahead towards prosperity, one over arching theme was “Revenue instead of Taxes”.

Many of the initiatives announced focused on government structure and operations designed to do what all of us must do to survive … find ways to earn money not take nor expect money. That is the path to both stabilizing and eventually rolling back property taxes. While it will be a long haul I am optimistic, as after seeing what we, together, have accomplished, I absolutely believe that to be an achievable goal.

Much was covered, both in how we got to where we are now and more importantly, where we are heading in the future.

Below are links to both the print version and a video of the event.



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