Independence Day

Independence Day

independence, our nation’s 245th birthday and the freedom that so many patriots have fought and died for since then. No one ever thought back in 1776 that this great experiment in democracy would survive very long but here we are.

Defending the ideals of our founders these past 245 years has required the service and sacrifice of every generation. Right now, men and women in uniform are protecting America and our allies against the threats of the 21st century. As a military Dad, I will forever be proud of those who volunteer and put their lives on the line to keep our liberties secure.

But this year we have something else to celebrate as well; our independence from the restrictions we have faced the past 16 months due to the threat of COVID-19. The State of Emergency has ended, and we can return to the moments we have so often had to put on hold since March of 2020.

This will be a summer of freedom; with most restrictions across New York now lifted. But it must also be a summer of some caution for those who are not yet vaccinated. The more transmissible COVID-19 Delta variant is spreading across our country and cases have been reported in New York City and around the Hudson Valley.

If you have been delaying vaccination, I urge you to have a conversation with your family doctor about its importance and safety. I am fully vaccinated and am relieved to be protected from the threat of hospitalization or death due to this virus.

I was vaccinated, as so many other Rockland residents have been, by the professionals at our Department of Health in Pomona and I can’t commend them enough. They continue to host regular vaccine clinics around our community, most recently at the Palisades Center and at the NY Boulders Stadium.

Vaccinations are also regularly available at the Rockland County Department of Health in Pomona; visit to see the upcoming schedule or to make an appointment. You can also visit to find a vaccine near you.

If you have questions or want more information, please call our Department of Health COVID Call Center at 845-238-1956 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday (except holidays) or email [email protected].

I say all this not to scare or worry you but because I believe these vaccines to be safe, effective and the best way available to protect yourself and our community. 965 people have died here in Rockland because of this disease, and I do not want to lose even one more person if it can be prevented.

This Independence Day I ask all to pause and remember those we have lost and to recognize the freedoms and privileges we enjoy. May God bless you and may God bless America!

Tags: COVID-19

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